Hello and welcome back to Retro-Scrutiny. My name is Kendall and I know, for all of you who missed our update post, this episode came out surprisingly fast for you guys.

(Hey everyone, Alexia here! We figured that since the last episode was kind of short and easy, this one would be better for everyone. And boy is it!)

It’s got action, new characters, action, backstory, and did we mention action?

(I think we did!)

Alright then, let’s check out the episode Prototype and see stuff explode.


Antauri narrates that the planets in the section of space they’re in have all fallen to the Skeleton King Worm’s passage, each one virtually laid to waste in this corrupted zone. Gibson is trying to calculate the SKW’s present location. Chiro says that is they do that, they can launch a sneak attack coming out of Hyper Boost Warp. They prep the Warp, but the Robot suddenly takes control and veers off course. It takes them to Tabiri Takala in the Corrupted Zone, a planet once rich in metals.

(As they land, the Plot Alarm warns them of something approaching them fast. Strange, since Gibson states there are no biological entities on the planet.)

Out of the ground pops ANOTHER SUPER ROBOT!

(Gasp! Intruder! Faker!)

But it’s not after the Team, but a smaller robot zipping through the air. The small robot turns himself into a slingshot and shoots himself through his enemy’s mouth. It gets blasted down, so the team intervene. Slingshot reappears for another headshot, followed by a Lasertron Fury.

Slingshot flies off with the Team following inside of a building.

Suddenly the lights change and a giant jar containing a brain appears before them.

(Um, okay. Explanation please!)

The Brain knows the Super Robot- calls it the prototype-because it is one of its creators. He accuses them of being the ones who stole it, but they admit that most of them just woke up in it one day and Chiro stumbled upon it by accident.

The Brain introduces itself as Dr. Takeuchi. He mentally controls the planet’s robots- except for one. The Prometheus Five. A menace.

The three scientists- himself, Dr. Maezono, and a third one who looks strangely familiar- spent fifteen years building the Prometheus prototype. Then one of the scientist mysteriously disappeared, as did the Super Robot.

(Spoilers- it was the Alchemist.)

Professor Maezono and Takeuchi worked on, the models becoming more compact and deadly before finally they created the Prometheus Five, the deadliest fighting robot in the universe.

(This is all fine and dandy, but I still want to know how he became a brain in a jar.)

The Prometheus Five malfunctioned during an experiment and caused an explosion that destroyed the lab, Takeuchi’s body, and killed Maezono. Now it attacks anything that comes near it.

(It didn’t attack them. I smell something suspicious…)

The team go after the Prometheus Five, who ends up shutting off the Super Robot’s weapons.

The two robots then have a private conversation before the Prometheus Five gets inside the Robot’s brain. Things get temporarily psychedelic before they all fly off to some sort of junkyard. Slingshot leaves his prototype’s brain before telling the team to get out so they could talk.

(Is it just me or does that voice sound familiar?)

He explains that he couldn’t form a connection with the monkeys earlier, so he and the Robot mind merged to speak to one another. Slingshot tells them that Takeuchi was the one who died in the explosion. Maezono had tried to place his evil consciousness into his body for evil purposes.

(Quick question: Why?)

Takeuchi tried stopping him, but Maezono’s brain caused a power surge that blew everything up. Slingshot was flung out of the lab and ever since then, he’s been fighting in the name of Takeuchi.

Maezono sends a prototype army after the team. Slingshot and the Super Robot handle the giant robots while the team goes after the mad doctor.

After some action sequences, the Super Robot rescues his owners from being zapped and wrecks some computers. Slingshot confronts the brain heap, but Maezono escapes with the Super Robot allowing him, much to Slingshot’s fury.

Later, Slingshot declines the offer of joining the team since Maezono is still out there and needs to be stopped. The episode ends with Chiro telling the fighting robot that he and his prototype make a good team. In return, he is told that the Robot says he’s already a part of a good team.

And that was the episode- quite a biggie if I say so myself. But let’s wait a moment so we can go over the…

1. How long ago was the Robot created?
2. Did the power surge give Slingshot his free will or was that programmed into him at some point?
3. Why didn’t Maezono just build another body for himself?
4. Why did Takeuchi and Maezono try to create the ultimate fighting robot in the first place?
5. Why did Maezono turn evil?


Prometheus Five/ Slingshot (Scott Menville): Yes, they voice actors for Beast Boy and Robin of the Teen Titans animated show are in this episode. And I’m pretty sure this show came out first.

(Slingshot is loyal and brave, but a bit of a jerk. I feel like this is a Robin prototype and I actually wish we would see more of this character, just so we could see two fighting robots team up again. His design is just lovely in my eyes, by the way.)


This episode was a lot of fun compared to the last two we’ve seen. As we stated earlier, this episode had action and backstory, but it also has a good science fiction element to it.

(I think getting the backstory for the Super Robot was a good idea, since that was one something I’ve been waiting for since ‘Ghost in the Machinder’ brought it up. And now we know that the Super Robot is a big brother, a victim of kidnapping, and has approximately three fathers. How lucky is he? Well, okay, getting kidnapped sucks, but it was by one of his dads and for a good cause, so I consider that luck.)

The episode has good action and I think the Slingshot is a good character, even if his evil creator needs a bit of work. This episode really makes me want to learn more about the rest of the team now.

(Hey, there’s still an entire season left. We might just get that.)

Yeah. But not today, because we have come to the end of our show. Thank you all for joining us on this special double-feature. We hoped you enjoyed it.

(The next time we meet, we’re gonna be checking out the last two episodes of Season Three! Whoo!)

Yes we will. But that’s for next week. Until then, I am Kendall, wishing you all a good day.

(And I am Alexia,wishing that all of you will join us next week for the Season Finale. Bye!)

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