Tag Archives: Alexia Erizio

Absolutely Beautiful Pair of Dancers

Hi, it’s me, Kendall-

(And Alexia!)

– and we just wanted to post this up. It isn’t anything of major or even minor importance, really.

(Kendall and I were just staying up way too late again, and we found some videos of people dancing. This one is just so beautiful. I’m jealous. I’ll never be a fraction of that skilled a dancing and certainly never that limber.)

The dancers are from the Ukraine and this is from some sort of competition they were in. I love this, it’s so beautiful and we wanted to share this.


Episode Eight: Thingy

We’re back, ladies and gents! Okay, so, finals are being a bit lenient, so we’re taking the time to get this up right now! Alexia, before we start, is there anything you’d like to say?

(Hi! Now, let’s get this show started!)

Alright! This is THINGY!

The episode begins with the team on Ranger 7, collecting rocks to turn to robot fuel. The planet is barren, but the boy hero spots a lone creature: a small blue hairball with red eyes.

(It’s so cute!)

The discovery is so surprising that one of the monkeys accidentally ends up causing an avalanche, leading to the first action sequence of the episode to rescue it. The team leader takes an immediate liking to the creature.

He decides to bring it back to the Super Robot. The rest of the team is cool with it… except Gibson.

(Hmph! Just like Gibson to hate on anything that doesn’t involve science…Also, Chiro uses all of his imagination to name the creature thingy, by the way. Real creative, buddy.)

Chiro and Thingy’s playing  causes an accident in Gibson’s lab and he announces that he thinks Thingy might be some new breed of monster, since it’s messing with the Robot’s innards.

He decides to uncover the truth…

Meanwhile, the rest of the team decides to do a little training. All is going well until the training system decides to flip its lid and attack everyone! They survive, of course.

(They have to or the show ends halfway through the first season.)

The problem, apparently, was that Thingy was rolling around in the control panel and caused it to malfunction, much to the monkeys’ irritation.

(Oh! This is my favorite part of the episode! Let me tell it! Please?)

Go on ahead.

(All right! Gibson appears on their big screen- why do they have that in a training room? – ready to tell them of his grand discovery until he gets locked inside his lab and pulled out of the airlock! The best part of this scene is the warning. “Warning: Airlock breached. Outer door opened. You may be pulled into outer space and your doom.” First, that is the most hilarious unnecessary last line ever! Second, the voice sounds so nonchalant that it might’ve just yawned at the end. Third, is the warning really necessary? I mean, the airlock just opened! You’d think he’d know he was in trouble, right?)

You make a good point…

Well, the team starts their rescue, but that’s when everything goes downhill as the Robot starts malfunctioning, courtesy of one fuzzball’s adventures. But with a bit of luck, they grab him.

However, Thingy must be quarantined in a cage.

(And this is the part where Thingy turns into a large bipedal monster and attacks them. Sparks is right-“This is where Gibson would say ‘I told you so.’”)

Thingy is just scared, so Chiro calms him down. But they still put him in a cage.


Gibson suddenly appears (How’d he get out of the healing tank?) and shows them what he learned. Apparently, Thingy was housing a static virus made by Skeleton King to attack machines. And the virus had infected at least one Monkey Team member. Each monkey is scanned, only for the computer to blow up. Chiro orders Gibson to fix the machines while the other four are sent them to their rooms.

(But suddenly, it’s revealed that GIBSON has the virus. DUN DUN DUN!

He mutates and sets the Robot on route to the planet. Once they land, the deformed primate tells his teammates that he wasn’t the only one infected while he tries to attack Thingy, who escapes. In fact, all the monkeys should be infected! But since they aren’t, he’s going to dissect them all later. But the worst part of it is that THE SUPER ROBOT IS INFECTED! NOOOO!

(Also, the virus covers the infected one’s insides with moss or spinach or something… weird…)

The attack on the city begins and all looks hopeless until the most unexpected hero shows up. It’s Thingy!

He frees Chiro, who realizes that his little pet holds the antivirus in his saliva; when he licked the other monkeys earlier in the episode, he made them immune- except Gibson, who was being… Gibson.

Speaking of Gibson, he tosses the creature out of the Robot and tries to stomp it.


But I think he forgot about Thingy’s super form! And so, the two giants decide to duke it out in the middle of the city.


Meanwhile, Chiro manages to free one of his hands and punches a hole in the Robot’s chest. He gets the other monkeys to keep the Robot as still as possible and puts his plan into action. Using his holographic projector and his microphone, he tricks Thingy into spreading the cure throughout the Robot, curing it.

(And since Gibson was such a bad monkey, he gets handed right to the monster pet for his special treatment.)

Moving on! Now that the day is saved once again and everyone is back to normal, everyone can be happy especially Gibson, who manages to find thingy’s home planet, much to Chiro’s short-lived dismay. The episode ends with the team all teasing Gibson before Thingy gives him a lovely goodbye present.


THINGY: This fuzz ball is a decent one shot character. He’s small and cute, and what little personality he has is nice. He shines the most in his monster form, since it can grow to be Robot-sized. There isn’t much to say about the thing.


1)      Will Thingy ever be seen again? Where does it come from? What species is it?

2)      Will the other monkeys turn evil during the show?


This episode is an example of good evil plans: infiltrate the enemy base with something harmless and attack from within. The problems are similar to real life as well, as taking care of a pet is harder than it looks. And I think this is the first episode I thought Gibson was interesting.

(I still think that using elevators is a better take-over-the-world plan. And I have a serious problem with this plan. It needed to rely on a lot of luck for it to work. I mean, what if most of the team had agreed with Gibson and not allowed Chiro to keep him? What if they never found him at all? What if Chiro had ended up being allergic to Thingy’s fur? Then what?!?

And I have to agree with you about Gibson. His evil self was pretty cool while it lasted.)

Okay, then. This was a good way to get back in the groove. Let’s start working on the next one! Bye everyone!


Episode Seven: Pit of Doom

…Okay, this is getting ridiculous! We could’ve had this out days ago! What is wrong with us?

(Do you want the list in alphabetical or numerical order? Because I have both at my disposal.)

Shut it! Please forgive us for being gone for four days. We’re back now, so please enjoy the Pit of Doom.


It’s a normal day in Shuggazoom City. The sun is shining, the Formless are attacking-

 (So soon!? They must’ve gotten up before their alarm clocks went off.)

-and Chiro is trying to be the hero.

(Keyword: trying.)

Chiro appears, ready to take names and kick butt! But he gets action-blocked by one of his other teammates. After the first three times, they leave him to fight the rest of the Formless on a roof. He fails to catch the elevator, so he ends up climbing the many, many stairs.

(And it’s actually a good thing he missed the elevator, otherwise he’d have ended up trapped like-)

Hey, no spoilers!


 Anyway, the fight is over once he gets to the roof, meaning his entire morning was wasted! The Monkeys head back to the robot, leaving Chiro to go right back down the stairs. There, he encounters BT- the redheaded bully from the first episode- who can’t find Glenny.

The two go searching in the strangely abandoned city until BT ends up in the elevator with the creepy old man from earlier.

It disappears, only to be return in another spot with Formless!

(Yes, quite the mystery: How did they do it? Chiro decides to find out the old fashioned way- jump into the elevator himself! He then questions the lack of buttons. I personally want to know why he didn’t question where the old man from before went? Here’s a hint: He’s standing on the ceiling! Seriously, how does he miss the creepy man staring at him?)

 Our boy hero arrives at the edge of a mysterious pit before finally getting to fight some Formless, but eventually gets knocked into the pit himself, where he finds the citizens and learns what’s happening before getting captured.

After calling the Monkey Team for help with the Power Primate, they go searching for him. They follow a blip on the scanner and come across the button-less elevator and see two women disappear in front of them.

They disguise themselves as a family of three and end up at the pit themselves, where the Formless are waiting. A bit of fighting occurs, but they eventually give up after seeing Chiro in a cell.

(Skeleton King does some awesome gloating for a bit before leaving them. After the team realizes that they are still on Shuggazoom, they decide to use their one phone call upon the ultimate back up- the Super Robot! The Robot storms onto the scene, snatches up all the prisoners, and leaves.  SK instructs his minions to in the city to destroy the Super Robot when it returns, but it’s like watching a large toddler fight an angry professional wrestler on steroids!)

The citizens and heroes escape, the monkeys easily free themselves of their shackles-

(Wait, they could’ve escaped at any time?! And did the Super Robot really take out all the Formless at once?)

The Elevator Monster appears and we finally learn where the buttons went before the final fight commences!

The thing can teleport and summon all sorts of weapons with a push of a button, so the team has some pretty mild difficulty before Chiro comes up with a plan- climb on and start pushing random buttons!

(Genius! No, seriously, if I had to fight a monster covered in shiny buttons, I’d do the same. But instead of pressing one at a time, I’d slam both hands against as many as possible and hope to whatever higher power there is that I didn’t just hit the self-destruct button!)

Gibson says that ‘the inter-dimensional matrix at the heart of the teleporter could be disrupted by a strong magnetic field. So they snatch Chiro out of the way and blast it, causing it to implode on itself.

(And then Otto goes ‘Ding!’ and we all remember why we love him.)

The Team gets a celebration, Chiro gets a rocket pack, and we end with the Skeleton King laughing over the giant pit.


ELEVATOR MONSTER: (This is a genius way of taking over a city, if you ask me. It’s covert while being out in the open and smart. The man on the inside is a great way of giving it a face, so to speak, and the gimmick works really well. I would use this idea if I ever wanted to take over the planet.)


1)      If the Pit of Doom was only part of Skeleton King’s plan, what’s in store for our heroes when the rest of it is revealed?


(We’ll keep this nice and short: This episode was good and it dropped a few hints on what’s to come. The plan and villain were both good ones and it makes me wonder: what’s going to happen next time? Also, I find it really cute that their moon is called Ranger 7 and has the number 7 on it, but the imprint of a right foot on it.)

Well, that’s it for this episode. We’ll be back in less than a week (Hopefully.) with the next episode. But until then, I’m Kendall signing out.

(And I’m Alexia with a final word of advice: Use the escalator.)