Tag Archives: Kendall Charleswell

Holy Hell

So, first off, I’m going to apologize. I have been gone way too long and I should have posted the rest of my stuff weeks- months?- ago. I didn’t and the fault lies completely on my shoulders.

Second, I am going to finish posting the final parts of Retro-Scrutiny: SRMTHFG before starting on the newer season. I promise you this.

Third, if anyone is still reading or looking at this, thank you for still being here.

Fourth, when did stuff change so much? Seriously, there’s some new sign-in stuff that made me think I did something wrong or something.

Please Forgive Me. Please Be Patient.

I’m writing this up real quickly to apologize for not being around for the last few weeks. I’ve had some trouble at my school and have recently learned that I won’t be walking across the stage this year, as well as needing summer classes. Along with a few of life’s consistent distractions, I haven’t even begun to work on the last two episodes of SRMTHFG!, but I have plans to combine both parts into one final episode, as well as get my final thoughts out on the final season and the series as a whole before the next seven days disappear before our eyes. Please be patient. I’m not giving up on this.


Hello and welcome back to Retro-Scrutiny. My name is Kendall and I will be your host and fact master for the evening.

(And I’m Alexia, your other host and dealer of sarcasm and extra comments.)

So, we’re almost done with the series. Fifty episodes and more. Fifty!

(That’s a whole five tens, dontcha’ know?)

Yes it is, Alexia. It feels so weird, knowing so much time has passed since we started this show.

(Yeah, you start this on your own over a year ago, didn’t you?)

I did. It’s scary and exciting and it just sorta reminds me that it’s my last Spring Break as a college student because I’m graduating this year and I’ll have to get a real job that pays and-

(Calm down! You’re scaring the viewers! Let’s get to the episode before you have a breakdown or something. Can you try to segue?)

Yeah… Actually, today’s episode deals with looking back on the past. So let’s join the Monkey Team on a trip back to the Golden Age.

(Very good.)


The episode begins with the hyper force  and the Super Robot looking for Valeena and Mandarin. They wonder about the Skeleton King Skull and its danger when Otto picks up a human bio sign from underground. They discover a man in a costume in deep hibernation. He’s wearing a helmet that looks like the hyper force emblem.

(Shouldn’t they have copyrighted that thing or something?)

They take him to the Super Robot. His hibernation was caused by the old fashioned sleep cannon they found with him. Otto reverses the polarity and the ensuing beam awakens him. He opens his helmet to reveal an old man with a long white beard and mustache.

(Dumbledore? Galfore? Judas Traveller?)

Apparently, he didn’t know he was asleep for years as he panics at his old face. He was young a few minutes ago (Not that you’d be able to tell.).

His name is Captain Shuggazoom, defender of the city (Name trademarked.). He recognizes the monkeys and reveals that he knew the Alchemist- they’re best friends.

(Cue the flashback!)


Dr. Malicious (Nice name, buddy.) stole one of the Alchemist’s inventions- the Magna Ball Blazer (Oh, I wonder what that does?). They fought over the weapon until the Doctor takes a car and its driver hostage and sets an ultimatum. Captain grabs the car before it hits the ground, makes sure the owner is safe, and throws the car at the Doctor.

(And he totally misses.)

Hush, you. He wins and decides to visit the Alchemist.

(And now we get to see him and the monkeys before their transformation into cyborgs. And they’re all so cute- even bratty little Mandarin.)

The Alchemist is working on the Silver Monkey (Why? Captain Shuggazoom wants a sidekick.) when the hero walks in. There’s a bit of talk before the Alchemist brings up a portal that peers into the soul of evil itself- the Netherworld. The monkeys- minus Mandarin- seem scared of the portal.

Inside the portal are the Dark Ones and their evil grows out of control. The portal allows them to study and monitor them directly. Captain thinks it’s dangerous, but the Alchemist says the grid is utterly impenetrable.

After the Captain leaves, Mandarin decides to gets close to the grid and start jumping around, screwing up the containment grid. A Dark One breaks free and the Alchemist is imbued with Dark One energy.

(Well, that’s one mystery solved.)

Later that night, Captain Shuggazoom (as his alter ego-millionaire playboy industrialist Clayton Carrington.) is off duty (On a date) when the Captain Shuggazoom signal goes off in the sky.

The Dark One is flying around the citdy, destroying stuff when the hero arrives and throws an attack at it. They fight and Captain gets trapped long enough for the Dark One to release more of its kind. He frees himself and hits with another attack. He lures the monster out of the city and gets it stuck at a crack in the earth.

Captain goes to the Alchemist and find worried monkeys and a changed Alchemist. The Captain takes the sleep cannon and promises to return.

The Dark One is still where he left it when he returns and the fight resumes. He fires the sleep cannon, but misses. Using his Sting Ring to collapse a cliffside on the beast, but it breaks out and grabs the Captain, who blasts it with the cannon. They both fall into the crevice.


Captain Shuggazoom never saw the Alchemist again. He asks how his friend is doing and learns the horrid truth. He blames himself, but can’t dwell on it for long as there is a shaking of the ground. Gibson and Otto discover that the Demon Beast is also waking up. They shut the cannon off, but it is too late.

It flies back to the city. The team and the Captain take the Super Robot and go after it. The Robot fights it while the Captain tries shooting the sleep cannon at it. The Demon Beast knocks them all down before attempting to open another portal. Captain gets up and tries again.

(Déjà vu, anyone?)

The Dark One pops the Captain in its mouth and Captain shoots the cannon off. The monster falls atop of the Lasertron Fury and through the portal, which closes.

Captain Shuggazoom and the Hyper Force say their goodbyes. The captain is headed back to the Alchemist’s laboratory to discover what happened to his friend in his final days. He may not like what he finds, but it is for his own piece of mind. He flies off into the sunset.

And that was the Golden Age, and it was quite the journey. I liked it. What about you, Alexia?

(It was an experience. I’ve got my thoughts on it, but first we have to get through the usual.)


Captain Shuggazoom/ Clayton Carrington (Bruce Campbell): (It’s very obvious where the influence for the Captain’s backstory and abilities came from- a tie between Batman and Ironman. The character himself, however, is a bit lacking. I know he only appeared, but it would be nice to see him a little more fleshed out.)

As for his abilities, he has what looks like some prototype versions of Chiro’s own costume and the monkey powers, such as Sting Ring and his own Chiro Spear-o. And that the team’s emblem originally belonged to him.

Unfortunately, the episode does some rather corny things with him, mostly as jokes that don’t really work. And because of his character’s obvious influences, it means that we automatically assumed his personality and background instead of learning it through the show.

1) How did the Alchemist and Captain Shuggazoom first meet?
2) Was the Alchemist always planning to turn the monkeys in cyborgs?
3) Who built the portal to the Netherworld in the first place?
4) How did Captain Shuggazoom first get started?


This episode was a wonderful exposition dump for the monkey team’s backstory. It takes us way back before the team we all know and love were the team, and we see how the city had other protectors. Captain Shuggazoom is a good character for them, being one of the last good ties to their past lives.

(Speaking of the monkeys, it’s cute to see they all had traits that followed them through the transformation- Gibson is smart, Nova and Sparks still argue. Actually, it’s Mandarin that gets the biggest character nod. Apparently, he was always a little jerk, threatening his siblings and getting in trouble. In fact, it’s his fault the Alchemist even changed in the first place. What a jerk!)

The rest of the episode is decent. Again, what they do with the Captain is silly, but it isn’t insulting in any way- it’s just a little stupid. But his last moment on the episode was touching and I can’t deny it worked.

(This episode makes me want to see more backstory for the city as a whole. I want to know how the men met, how the city failed to take care of itself back then, how the feel of everything was. Modern day Shuggazoom is boring outside of the attacks.)

Hey, there’s still two more episodes to go. And on that note, this episode is over and done with. Thank you all again for joining us once again for this little section of the past.

(We hope to see you all in the future. Until then, we’re Kendall and Alexia, wishing you all a good day.)


So, a few years ago, I discovered a comic being put on YouTube called Amy in Wonderland. It isn’t an exact retelling of the original story- no, not by a long shot. And it isn’t  copy of the Disney movie, which is a plus. In fact, Amy (Alice) isn’t the main focus of the plot. Rather, it’s the characters of The Mad Hatter and Rei, the Blue Caterpillar.

(Or to be precise, it’s the fight between Wonderland-Sonic and Wonderland- Knuckles and Rouge over Wonderland-Shadow wrapped in a plot about fighting for freedom of sorts.)

Hey, Alexia. I didn’t know you finished reading it.

(Thanks for introducing it to me. Seriously, Hatter is my -our- favorite character in the entire comic- probably the most fun to read. And he and Rei are quite the pair.) 

It’s not just Sonic characters in an Alice in Wonderland setting- it’s more like Sonic characters taking the Alice in Wonderland setting and doing something different with it.

(Sonic makes an awesome Mad Hatter- and I want that top hat so BADLY! Actually, I want both outfits, but especially the top hat.)

(Kendall just found out today that the comic was finished and she introduced me to it almost immediately. You can find most of it on YouTube under the name Amy in Wonderland with links in the descriptions to the rest of it.)

Go check it out- maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t. But it still deserves a look at either way.


Hello and welcome back to Retro-Scrutiny. My name is Kendall and this is my co-host, Alexia. Sorry for the long wait, but if anyone’s been following the news, they’d of heard of what’s happening to my university.

(If you haven’t, well- SCSU just might be getting shut down for a number of years. Kendall is graduating this semester, so she’ll be fine. It’s any first semester seniors and below that are in trouble. And all the faculty as well. And the school’s reputation.)

It is because of this that updates have been rather slow. I want to finish this season before I graduate as a short term goal and I can’t do that if I don’t work. So without further ado, this episode is titled Secret Society.


The episode begins with Valeena torturing Mandarin for the location of the Skeleton King’s skull. (Seems she’s still sore about the Night of Fear thing…) The mistreated monkey refuses at first, but ends up caving and taking her to the hiding spot… only for it to be missing.

(Dramatic music now: DUN DUN DUN!)

Valeena realizes just who the thieves were- the Skeletal Circle. And this upsets her to the point of falling to her knees and saying that all is lost.

Cut to the heroes- or at least three of them- at the arcade. Nova, Otto and Chiro. As they play, Ma Cinco comes over with a bowl of cookies and everyone happy with the way the day is going.

Even if the sky is filling with red clouds…

Meanwhile, somewhere else, a group of red cloaked individuals have the Skeleton King’s skull and begin absorbing power from it into two of their followers.

Cut back to the heroes, who are just leaving the arcade when Otto gets beaned with a frog from the sky. Soon enough, more of them start pouring down and the city is in a panic as the three start doing something about it. They end up going back to the Robot for some help.

(Also, aren’t frogs from the sky some sort of sign of the apocalypse?)

Speaking of the Robot, there the other team members are, discussing what’s going on. Antauri senses supernatural forces at work. Chiro walks in and instantly comes up with a culprit- Valeena.

(And speaking of her, she and Mandarin are hiding out somewhere so Valeena can give some backstory:

Valeena: I was once one of them. A small group of Shuggazoomians who worshiped the Skeleton King in secret. The leaders of the Skeletal Circle chose me to present to the Skeleton King as his most loyal disciple. He rewarded me by transforming me with his power.

Mandarin gets impatient and demands that she go and get the skull.)

The two leaders, finished with their frogs, end their curse to do something a little deadlier: RATS (And they’re huge by the looks of things. Ew.)!

The team disengage the Super Robot to play Pest Control until they start escaping into the sewers. As they travel, they start hearing moans and weird noises and discover a weird chamber. They free a man chained up to an altar and take him back to the Super Robot for medical attention. According to him, they tried to feed him to the rats.

The man explains to them that he was taken as part of the sacrificial part of a ritual because he heard them chanting and making noise and told them to shut it and that Ma and Pa Shenko are involved somehow. Chiro sets off for the arcade to make sure the old pair are alright. He discovers a secret elevator and finds the underground cult.

(Valeena and Mandarin arrive and there is a small confrontation before the leaders reveal their identities as Ma and Pa Shenko. And they’re apparently Valeena’s parents. DUN DUN DUN! There’s a more violent confrontation as Chiro and Mandarin attempt to steal the skull under their noses.

(They get caught however, and Chiro laments that two people he liked turned out to be monsters. Mandarin taunts him about trusting anyone when irony strikes and the rest of the monkey team arrive. They noticed something going on at the arcade and remembered Chiro was there.)

The Shenkos transform into monsters and blast the team away. Antauri frees his leader and ex-leader as the skull starts shining and shooting energy into the sky. The final curse has been cast.

(And it’s GIANT SPIDERS! Gah, that’s nasty!)

The team attack the Shenkos, but they don’t do much damage and end up with most of them taken out. Nova and Chiro attack and get the skull away from them, only for it to split in two and reveal a completely new skull. The cracked skull means that the Shenkos lose their new power and the curse is lifted (Yay!).

Chiro and Nova attempt to investigate the new crystal skull when Valeena and Mandarin come and knock them out from behind. When they awaken, they two of them are gone. Ma and Pa are prepped to become the newest inmates of the offworld prison.

Chiro is still upset at the betrayal. Antauri gives him some words of advice:

Antauri: Evil does not always advertise, Chiro. Sometimes, it hides behind a smile.

Otto: Or a plate of cookies.

Chiro: If Ma and Pa can be evil, then anyone can.

Antauri: No Chiro, most people are good by nature. But we must be vigilant against those who exploit goodness as a weakness. That is why we’re here.

The episode ends with the twosome of Mandarin and Valeena talking about the skull and their future plans- the resurrection of the Skeleton King.

And that was Secret Society- quite the interesting episode, wasn’t it? We’ll talk about it in a bit. First we need to get the usual stuff out of the way Let’s start with the


  1. How long has the Skeletal Circle been around?
  2. Why do Shuggazoomians worship Skeleton King?
  3. What are the other items Valeena and Mandarin are looking for?
  4. Why did Ma and Pa sacrifice their daughter? Did they choose her specifically?
  5. What will happen to the arcade?

NEW CHARACTER(S): (These aren’t really new characters- they’ve appeared as background characters before. But this is the first time they’ve ever had real significance in any episode, so we’ll talk about them.)

MA AND PA CINCO: These are two background characters that appeared from time to time. And I think that worked out well for them. They were familiar faces that we didn’t know much about. So making them villains was a rather good idea.

As villains, they’re unsuspecting and have the hero’s trust. They don’t really reveal their reasons for being the way they are- most villains don’t now that I think about it- but what they’re doing is good enough.

Their actions, however, leave a lot to be desired. Yeah, rats and spiders suck, but if they really wanted something to destroy the city, make a supernatural flu virus of something. And then when they turn into giant monsters, they don’t do much but stand around and laugh at everything.


This episode was decent. It involves the entire team, a few new villains and some old ones. It’s interesting to see that it isn’t just the big bads of the universe against the do-gooder heroes, but the normal citizens as well. There’s nothing wrong with that.

(Something that we will complain about in this episode is the animation. There are times where it gets obviously choppy- I noticed it mostly with Valeena.)

But what got me the most was the pair of Mandarin and Valeena. Those two have every right to hate each other- they see each other as below themselves and an interference to their identical plan of resurrecting their master. Yet in the end, it is very obvious that Mandarin needs her for information and access to the magic he can’t get to.

One last thing we can nitpick about is Chiro and his lesson about people betraying him. That was done with the Sun Riders and it worked so well. They didn’t need to rehash the idea.

But with that, we’ve said everything we wanted to with this episode. I am Kendall, and I would like to say thank you all for joining us once again for another episode of Retro-Scrutiny.

(And I am Alexia, hoping you will all join us again for the next episode. Please wish us luck on getting up sooner than this one. Have a fantastic day.)


So, on February the fourteenth of 2015, I had an awesome Valentine’s day.

I don’t have a boyfriend to go on date with. That’s fine- I have something better. Friends that don’t mind having me around.

At two p.m., my friends Darius and his girlfriend Dominique invited me and two other friends to go on a road trip with them to Columbia from Orangeburg. What is so special about a road trip, you may ask. Well, road trips are usually done as a fly by the seat of our pants sort of thing, where the idea literally just pops into one’s head and we go along with it without thinking, This was my first road trip with my friends and it was awesome.

At 2:30 PM, we left the university to take the back roads to Columbia. Why were we going to Columbia? GameStop. After we went there, we stopped by WalMart for a bathroom break and spotted another GameStop and RadioShack that was going out of business and was having a sale. We checked those places out and by 5 PM we all collectively decided we were hungry and went to iHop.

We left iHop after eating to go to McDonalds for the chance to charge our phones and eat french fries and hot chocolate.Yes, we had fast food after breakfast food- so what? We stayed until 8 PM, when we decided to go back to Orangeburg on the back roads again.By 9:40, we’ve nearly made our way back to the campus when someone mentions that they want to go stargazing. And that the stargazing should be in Sumter.

So we head to Sumter. Remember, we’re flying by the seat of our pants, so we don’t mind that it’s 11 by the time we get there. But due to it being so cold, we only stay out of the car for twenty minutes before we all decide to head back to the campus.

We make it back to the campus only to decide to hang out a bit longer So we go to the playground our campus has for the kids. The swings and the slide are busted, but we have a car and music and each other. It’s wonderful.

We all head to Darius’ room to watch the English Dub of Kill LA Kill and DBZ Kai. We compare and dissenct the Japanese and English dubs of Kill LA Kill until everyone is dropped off at their respective rooms at 2:30 AM.

Twelve hours worth of goofing off with friends. That is a ROAD TRIP.

So, what did you do on Valentine’s Day?


If anyone’s been watching the news in South Carolina, they’ve most likely heard of the vote to try and close South Carolina State University down until 2017. This is due to the drop in enrollment and the massive debt the school has acquired over the years.

Now, I myself and graduating (hopefully) this semester, so this isn’t going to do any real harm to me. And from I’ve heard, the idea has already been shot down. But that’s been happening, as well as just general class stuff. So yeah, that’s why they’re hasn’t been a lot of content from me for a while. Just a quick update for what’s been happening in my life.

RETRO-SCRUTINY EPISODE 48: Demon of the Deep

Hello everybody, and welcome back to Retro-Scrutiny! Yes, it’s been a while since we last saw each other, hasn’t it? In case you forgot us, my name is Kendall-

(A while? It was like, early January!)

-and this is my co host, Alexia. Thanks for the reminder, by the way. I feel a lot less guilty with you yelling at me.

(Don’t talk to me like I’m your momma!)

Then stop acting like her. We need to get this show on the road again.

(Okay, sorry. Well, the last time we all got together around this campfire, we were full of annoyance and rage. This time, we calm down and take a dip into the Demon of the Deep.)


The episode begins with the Super Robot chasing some fish men into the waters around Shuggazoom. An attack from one of them takes out their main engines and causes them to start sinking and taking in water. An unidentified object is caught headed towards them and they can’t escape because of the ocean dwellers blocking their escape hatch.

(I’ve heard of being up the creek without a paddle, but this is just ridiculous!)

A fishy submarine arrives and takes care of the fish people and rescues them just before the Robot gets knocked down completely. On the sub, they meet Captain Protesis and are welcomed onto the Revenger. He tells them that the city’s attack is just the beginning… of the end.

(Cue dramatic music sting here!)

Apparantly, something called Kro’Gar’Yoth will be released to destroy the city and they need to go deeper underwater to find a black crystal that can stop it. As the team walks through the ship, Gibson and the Captain start bonding over the technology aboard it before he tells them about the crystal’s defenses and why he needs their help getting to it.

That night, strange noises keep our resident tough girl from sleeping, so she goes exploring until she reaches a door and gets caught by the Captain. The door leads to his private quarters, according to him. Suddenly they are attacked by Shuggazoomian Men of War- giant jellyfish that he never prepared for. Luckily, they have Gibson to come up with a plan to save their skins. This gets him the permission to make enhancements to the ship.

Later, they reach the hostile depths and start the ‘dangerous’ part of their journey. They head out of the submarine and reach the box containing the crystal. A trio of spirits suddenly arrive and warn them away, but are ignored for the purpose of plot. They fight a rather generic sea monster and grab the crystal.

Back on the ship, Gibson tries to take a look at a wound the Captain sustained. It turns out he ‘was cursed many years ago’ and that the ocean water will turn him into ‘one of them’ if it comes in contact with him.

(Isn’t that a sign that he should’ve moved to the city? And one of who, exactly?) 

They examine the crystal and discover coordinates and a warning: Use this key to seal your doom. The Captain blatantly ignores it and they go on their way. They make their way through a system of hydrothermal sulfur vents, though they do have a problem with the magneto hydro ion drive.

(Sparks to the rescue! Well, they reach the crystal city of Kro’Gar’Yoth and uncover his tomb. The team takes a moment to huddle up and discover the creatures- the same ones that attacked the city- are being held behind the private door. Protesis arrives and explains that the creatures are his people, mutated into monsters by the same curse that affects him. They can either help him or let Kro’Gar’Yoth terrorize the city. The team realize that they’re stuck doing what he wants. Dirty cheat…)

 Screenshot 2015-01-29 at 9.12.17 AM

They go in to insert the crystal, and it is then that Protesis announces his true intentions: releasing the monster on those who cursed his people and took their home- Chiro’s people. The monster starts whooping their butts and to add to the misery, Gibson’s new torpedoes attack them as well. He goes back to disable them and ends up confronting the Captain. Backing him up are the transmutated people of the water. They start tearing up the ship and letting water in. 

Once the ship is down, they group go to rescue the rest of the team and Gibson removes the crystal, sealing the monster and freeing his teammates.

(And now that the action is over, Otto decides to bring up the fact that they’re stuck 40,000 mega fathoms under the sea. The sea people coincidentally find them a way back home as Protesis is dragged under the water.)

Screenshot 2015-01-29 at 9.24.19 AM  

Cut to the team back on dry land. Otto has fished up the Super Robot while Chiro is thanking the fish people for saving them (Aww, everyone’s friends!). Gibson, however, is in the dumps. So it’s up the his team to end the episode on a high note with this last bit of character interaction,

Nova: Don’t blame yourself. 

Antauri: He tricked us all, Gibson.

Gibson: How could I have been such a fool? Logically, I should have seen it.

Chiro: It’s okay, Gibson. You were listening with your heart, not your head.

Gibson: I just thought… that he was someone like me.

Nova: You stopped him to save the entire planet. He was nothing like you.

 Screenshot 2015-01-29 at 9.31.53 AM

(And that was Demon of the Deep, a vast improvement over what we got over last time! We are so happy that this episode exist solely for that reason. But before we gush, we need to get some things out of the way.)


CAPTAIN PROTISIS: He’s not bad. He’s just an old captain at first, then a backstabber in the later half of the episode. The old captain made for an okay villain of the episode. But he’s not the character we want to talk about, so scroll down for the gushing.


  1. How long ago did the Shuggazoomians kick the former inhabitants out of their city?
  2. What lives or has lived under the city?


This episode is much better than the last one! Yet, we can honestly say that it’s only average. Still better than The Hills Have Five, but still only average. The villain is somewhat generic, and the monsters could have been better designed. There’s actually a lot of missed opportunity to learn about the planet, seeing as it’s just a city and some abandoned, monster filled areas.

(The real treat of the episode is Gibson, because this is an unofficial Gibson episode. He’s the one who gets to be excited about something he likes and finds a new friend. He gets to enjoy himself and he gets to be heartbroken at the end of the episode. And he gets to look cute during it, which is an added bonus.

But at the same time, Gibson has a moment of unintentionally appearing as a bit of a jerk. When the captain comments on how it’s nice to meet someone who like tech just as much as he does, Gibson acts like he’s never even heard of Otto’s skills. Otto, his brother and companion and teammate who wants nothing more than to rescue their Super Robot and fix it up. And he does act a bit out of character, ignoring the logic in what’s going on around him. I don’t really blame him for that though, since he was excited and all.)

The rest of the team don’t really do much since it’s Gibson’s episode. They’re there to try to keep him grounded and save the day. And honestly, I wish we’d seen some more destruction from the fish people, because they didn’t seem like that big of a threat. They scared some people, but then they wreck the Super Robot, then they’re shown as prisoners. There’s a weird tone shift with these guys.

And that’s all we have for this episode of Retro-Scrutiny. Thank you all for being so patient with us and we promise we’ll get more to you all as soon as possible. Until then, I’m Kendall and she’s Alexia and we hope you all enjoyed this little adventure with us. Until next time.
