Tag Archives: TV


Hello and welcome back to Retro-Scrutiny. In case this is your first time viewing this show, let me introduce myself. My name is Kendall and this here is my cohort and friend, Alexia.

(Hi everybody! It’s good to see you all again.)

So, over the course of three seasons, we’ve met some new faces and seen some old ones as well. Friends, villains, and the such. It’s time we saw another old face as we and the team investigate the Incident on Ranger 7.


(The episode begins with the Super Robot headed towards Shuggazoom and right away we notice that the city seems to be on its side. Wow, they really do need the Hyperforce’s help.)

The team leader (Chiro for newcomers) is still worrying over the distress call they received. As the team look through the observation deck’s window, they pass Ranger 7, their moon. Sparks picks up on some sort of targeting- most likely for a weapons system. A beam shoots from the moon into the Super Robot and zaps Chiro, causing him to disappear.

Antauri senses that Chiro is still alive, just missing. Otto confirms that the beam came from the Moon Base Beta Prison Complex. The monkeys realize the only person who could’ve done this is Gyrus Krinkle- a crazed fan who tried taking over the team by hypnotizing the monkeys to destroy Chiro.

Antauri: Krinkle is the kidnapper. We must use utmost caution. He is highly manipulative, mechanically gifted, and extremely dangerous.

Otto: And he’s nuts.

The Robot lands on the base and they head to Krinkle. The head of the place tells them that Gyrus has virtually been rehabilitated. In his room, Gyrus has covered his walls with various paintings, one of which he is working on.

He greets the monkey team, who accuse him. Krinkle points out that he lives in a 6×8 box of a cell. The team decide to investigate the premises and Krinkle get’s cryptic.

(The guy holding the jar did say he was rehabilitated, right?)

Chiro appears on Shuggazoom, but quickly learns that Gyrus Krinkle’s face is plastered onto everything- buildings, people and even the birds! He freaks and ends up running into a costumed Gyrus himself, who welcomes him to Krinklezoom- his world. He wants Chiro to team up with him and protect the city.

(And then they can drink hot cocoa and be the big happy family they only never talked about. Naturally, Chiro declines and Gyrus Hulks out into Superman, attacking the kid with energy attacks. Chiro calls him a lunatic who needs help and gets blasted even worse. Yeah, Chiro, don’t provoke the nutcase who suddenly gained superpowers over the last three seasons while he was in prison. Also, where did those cracks in the ground come from?)

Gyrus flies high above the city with Chiro and offers him one more chance. The boy hero declines and gets dropped towards the pavement, prompting the boy to change his mind- he decides to play along until the rest of his team arrives.

(Speaking of the team…)

Nova, Gibson and Antauri discover a machine hidden in one of the rooms. They call Otto and Sparks- who are making arts and crafts with the other inmates (Hi Cloggy Colon Creature! Hi Sakko!)– to help them figure out what it is.

(Sparks is digging his own grave with that Nova puppet. Meanwhile, in Krinklezoom, Krinkle is giving Chiro his backstory.)

Krinkle: I was raised by a robot mother, Chiro. Did you know that? Sure, she was good at calculating different equations, but her heart was made of polyurethane. I always felt alone and helpless.

Chiro: Is this the long version or the short version?

Krinkle: I grew up wanting to be somebody important, have a family. And then I discovered the Monkey Team.

Chiro: Did you really think capturing me was gonna change anything?

The alarm goes off before and the two of them race off to fight the Formless (That haven’t been seen since their leader was beheaded the first time.). Krinkle steals Chiro’s moveset and uses some of his own to fight while Chiro acts as a background character. He finishes, but Chiro points out the last half dozen enemies left. With a wave of his hand, Gyrus makes them disappear.

(How’d he do THAT?!?)

Gyrus tells the kid that this is his world- he thinks, therefore it happens.


Back with the monkey team, Otto deduces that the machine is some sort of neuro matter reconfiguration machine- it turns matter into thought waves. Suddenly Gyrus arrives with an army of robots to reveal that that he’s taken over and reprogrammed the entire prison staff and that he was stalling to let his brain recharge. He pulls a cable out of his head and replaces it before the machine zaps the monkeys into his mind.

The team is reunited before Mind!Gyrus appears and gets insulted by Sparks and Nova. In return, he beats them up and causes more cracks before Chiro calms him down. Then they run off to fight Cheesebot.

(Oh, hey! I remember hearing about this guy!)

As the monkeys and Gyrus fight the monster, Antauri and Chiro come up with a plan. Gyrus steals more of Chiro’s moves- this time his Inner Primate to defeat Cheesebot.

(And then Antauri phases his hand through Krinkle’s skull as he is being applauded to mind meld with him to find the way out. All they find are some of Krinkle’s awkward memories- including one from his first appearance. Oh, and more cracks.)

The madman forces the silver monkey out of his skull and attacks his ‘teammates’. Chiro suddenly dives into one of the cracks and hits it as hard as he can with the others following suit, causing Gyrus to explode.

And in the real world, the real Gyrus is being sucked into the brain cord of the machine. As the Hyperforce exits the machine, it explodes, leaving nothing but scraps of metal and the plug end of the brain cord. The brain cord that Gyrus should still be connected to, but isn’t.

The episode ends with a look around Gyrus’ cell walls, landing on a portrait of his happily delusional team fantasy, before the lights go off.

And that was Incident on Ranger 7. How was it compared to other episodes in the season? Well, we’ll talk about that after we ask ourselves some…


  1. How did Gyrus manage to reprogram every single staff member in the prison and create a machine that would send people into his mind?
  2. How long was he out of solitary confinement?
  3. How did he know just when the Hyperforce was arriving?
  4. Where is he now?
  5. How did he know about the Inner Primate if he was already jailed by the time it was introduced?
  6. What will happen to the facility and its inmates now?


I personally thought this was a rather fun episode. The idea of entering someone’s mind is a decent one until you make it someone who’s obviously bonkers off the wall. All the humor comes from Gyrus, who steals the show. He gets to be as emotionally trigger happy as he can get and it makes him a joy to watch.

(And I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with you! Gyrus managed to creep me out! He is too emotionally unstable for me to find him likable. Note that there’s nothing really wrong with him until you enter him mind. Then we’re thrown for a sharp loop. And why is Krinkle trying to be Chiro?

The monkey team honestly doesn’t do much in this episode. They get captured and manage the best they can. It is interesting to see some of Gyrus’ back story, but not enough keep my positive side up.)

As for the rest of the episode, it’s actually pretty average. I agree that there could have been more focus on the team, but again, the spotlight was stolen from them. So Gyrus can make or break the episode for you, As for us, we have to end this episode of Retro-Scrutiny, so we would like to thank you all for joining us once again. We hope to see you all again real soon. I’m Kendall, signing out.

(And I’m Alexia, wishing you all a good day.)


(Hello and welcome back to Retro-Scrutiny, the show we’re we discuss the merits of an animated television show about a teenage boy and a handful of colorful robot monkeys fighting evil and having all sorts of weird adventures. My name is Alexia.)

And my name is Kendall. This week we have quite a change of pace from the usual. The episode is quite the classic mind poker, so get ready to ask some semi-familiar questions as we take a look at the Ghost in the Machinder.

The episode begins with the Super Robot surprising the team by unexpectedly changing flight course in front of their eyes. The team checks the systems, only to learn that the Robot is overriding their commands- thinking for itself. Sparks and Gibson say that the robot can’t be alive and that machines don’t have souls. Antauri disagrees with this just in time for the Plot Alarm to start blaring loudly.

(Ah, the Plot Alarm. Such a useful tool…)

The Super Robot gets sucked into the tractor beam of a fully automated (incredibly creepy) ship. Chiro makes contact with the ship and they meet VX8 Modular Computer Tracking Probe from the Tallas Star System.

(And the thing has a face that only a mother could love. Seriously, this thing is creepy…)

He captured them because they are from Shuggazoom.


As they are pulled through the ship’s junky interior, they spot Skeleton King’s droid, TV Monster handing around and decide that it was picked up while floating around in space.

(They completely miss how the screen lights up momentarily, but that’s okay. It doesn’t mean anything.)

Meeting the Probe face to face, the team learns it is the last survivor of a race of mechanical life that was wiped out by an undead entity that could only be Skeleton King. It is now on a mission to neutralize everything that comes from Shuggazoom, as “all organic life that has come into contact with Skeleton King is corrupt and must be eliminated.”

The Robot is attacked by clamps and soon overpowered. The team is forcefully pulled out and watch as the Robot is pulled apart. The Probe scans them, deciding that they are too organic to be of any real use and sends them down a garbage chute to the waste disposal unit.

(However, he keeps Antauri, who is wholly machine and may be of some use to him. Also, don’t the monkeys have jet packs?)

The Probe informs the rest of the team that they will be turned into organic fuel. Otto can’t cut through the can, making Nova wish Antauri was around. Sparks retorts that Antauri didn’t seem to fight back when getting captured and has probably joined forces with the Probe. Chiro disagrees with this.

(The team meet a small, friendly robot, who informs them of the only way out: the large wall fan they somehow managed to miss that turns on and sucks their new friend in.)

Antauri tries to talk the Probe out of destroying his friends and ends up learning that the Probe is infected with some sort of virus and deducts that its systems are being corrupted by TV Monster. The Probe shows the silver monkey that the TV Monster is deactivated, but the monkey disagrees, saying that it still lives. According to the Probe: ‘Machines do not live. We are simple servants to our programming.’ It then starts to assimilate its captive into its core central unit.

The team is still trying to escape the fan.

They can’t make contact with their teammate, but Otto does make contact with the Super Robot (WHOOHOO!) who somehow pulls itself together and starts fighting the security with some new weaponry. It fights some smaller bots before one much larger comes in and knocks it around.

Chiro tries to use the Inner Primate as the Super Robot pulls a large gun from its back and blasts the other robot’s head off, surprising the Probe into contemplating is the Super Robot is possibly alive.

Back with the Hyperforce, the Inner Primate has failed. Sparks take this time to apologize to Gibson for (most of) the mean things he’s ever said to him and starts saying something to Nova before the Super Robot rescues them.

(He then flies out to rescue Antauri. See, I told you they had jetpacks! Anyway, Sparks frees his second-in-command, but gets blasted. So Antauri… does something, and that causes a system crash as they fly back to the Super Robot.)

The Probe’s brain escapes, setting the self-destruct timer for four seconds, and the team makes their escape.

After checking the Super Robot for malfunctions and protective programming and coming up empty-handed, Otto and Gibson state that the Robot never flew off course, but simply knew they were headed in the wrong direction. This prompts Chiro to wonder more about the Super Robot.

The episode ends with the Probe brain floating in space and pulling metal objects towards it. It grabs the TV Monster, which invades it apparently kills the original host while transforming into a new design with a new objective: Hunt down and destroy the Hyperforce.


THE PROBE (Scott Bullock):

Calm and calculating, the Probe is easily the most interesting villain the team has faced this so far. The thing that makes a good villain terrifying is their control over themselves, and this guy has so much of it. I do wish there was more information on him and his people. And I’m sorry he was destroyed in the end, because he could have been an awesome secondary villain for the team to face.

(The same could be said about Mandarin, and look where he ended up.)

Shut up.

(The Probe, in my opinion, is creepy. I agree with what Kendall says, however. Mostly because it’s true and partially because she took all the good things to say about it.)


(…it’s an upgraded form of the TV Monster. That’s it for now.)


  1. How long has the Probe been on the hunt for Skeleton King?
  2. When did the TV Monster end up in space and get captured?
  3. What do the others think of Antauri being fully robotic?
  4. Will we learn more about the Super Robot?
  5. What were the other’s opinions on machines having souls?


This episode is amazing! I personally think it is one of the best in the entire series. The idea of machines being alive and artificial intelligence working against actual life is a classic science fiction story that works immensely well. And it works here because most of our main characters are robotic. In fact, one of them is fully robotic.

(However, in terms of characters, there’s something I want to address- Sparks. Is it me or did he seem too quick to judge Antauri before suddenly getting defensive of him when he sees him getting hurt? Also, why don’t he and Gibson believe machines can’t be alive or have souls at the beginning of the episode? They’re machines too! Does the Power Primate not count? Then what the heck did Chiro do in the middle of the ‘I, Chiro’ saga? Start up a bakery?

Antauri is another big character. This episode informs us here that he’s fully machine. And it makes sense, seeing as how we all saw his transformation in the season two finale. And it works for me. I see Antauri as the most powerful of the team and now that he’s fully robotic, it helps that idea. He probably doesn’t need to eat or get tired out as quickly, which means he can be a more effective hero.)

But that leads us to the biggest question of all- how does Antauri take this? Is he alright with it? Does he not care and is just happy to be back with his team? What does this mean for him in the future?

One last thing I want to mention is the title of the episode, ‘Ghost of the Machinder’. In the early episodes of the show, we learned that the Super Robot has two modes- vehicle mode, which lets it disengage into six different vehicles, and machinder mode, which is its more human body form. The ‘ghost of the machinder’ could be the soul of the Super Robot machinder mode that’s argued throughout the episode.

And that’s all of the really good, so let’s get to the somewhat bad. The episode’s biggest failing is that it makes for a good one-shot episode. Most of it doesn’t affect the plot of the season, so it feels like well-made filler.

And with that, we have completed another episode of Retro-Scrutiny. Thank you all for sticking with us, and we hope to see you all again come next episode. This is Kendall, signing out.

(And this is Alexia, wondering what the Probe’s fascination was with bugs. Seriously, his ship was shaped like a bug, he had bugs inside of his ship, and he stuck one inside of Antauri’s head!)


Hello and welcome back to Retro-Scrutiny, the show where we look back on one of our old TV series and see if it still checks out today. I am your host, Kendall.

(And I’m your other host, Alexia. Today, we’re really starting off with Season Three with a special episode. It’s a holiday episode, and from the title, I’m sure you can all tell the holiday. So let’s not waste any more time and start up the Season of the Skull.)


The episode begins with the Super Robot chasing the Dark One Worm through space. They hit it with their cannons, but the worm only gets angry (Nah, really?) and hits them with a beam that transports them across the cosmos.

(It looks like a Halloween themed acid trip.)

They end up in the middle of a foggy area. They exit the Robot, not seeing anything, but Antauri senses life as they are surrounded. Imp monsters attack and whoop them before an old man in a cheesy mask scares the imps away.

Suddenly the fog dissipates, revealing a town.

The man explains that they are right outside of Crytptilvania and that he is the Magistrate of the town. As they walk through the town, only Otto seems to be openly fascinated by everything. Sparks isn’t, and Gibson is suspicious of everything.

The Magistrate explains due to a curse, demons from the netherworld come on a nightly basis to steal the children. The only things that ward them off are the masks that are ‘more frightening then they.’

(And there’s the first lie- that mask of his is more silly then than scary. I don’t even know what his is supposed to be.)

They reach the Magistrate’s home and his wife, Severina, appears out of the lightning flashes and says that they call the curse ‘the Season of the Skull’.

(Title drop!)

Sparks refuses to go inside; Gibson states that everything is just a load of superstitious mumbo-jumbo. Antauri says to not condemn their beliefs so quickly.  (Geez, what’s up with Gibson? That’s a real jerk thing to say.) Sparks follows after seeing a spirit-like creature float past his head.

According to Severia, there are only a handful of little ones left and the people need their help. She gives each of the team members their own masks:

  • Chiro gets a Frankenstein’s monster mask
  • Sparks gets a Devil mask
  • Nova gets a Witch mask
  • Gibson gets a vampire mask and cape
  • Antauri gets a ghost mask
  • Otto gets a jackalope mask

The team beats them wearing the masks, but it’s too late- the little ones were taken away. To get them back, they must find the Mystic Flame of Xanatos, which fire is the only thing that can destroy the demons. It’s in a sacred cemetery that’s through the Haunted Forest. As the team leaves, Severina states to stay on the path before she and her husband disappear in the fog and an explosion of magic sparkles.

(The woods are creepy, and Gibson points out that moon’s position hasn’t changed position since they arrived, but that’s because the Hyperforce is just that special.)  

Sparks decides to fly above them, but gets attacked by trees, prompting a rescue.

(New rule: STAY ON THE PATH!)

They continue their journey, Antauri noticing the book of magic Gibson took. Otto uses it to give Gibson a chicken head. They reach the cemetery and grab the flame, only for pumpkin-headed ghosts to attack them.

(Guess what their weak point is?)

They return to the Magistrate and his wife and hand them the flame, which brings the townsfolk and the demons to surround them. The Magistrate and his wife reveal themselves to be demons and the imps are their children.

(Also, the masks don’t really work.)

The town brings the team to a giant wicker skeleton. The Magistrate says they are there to honor their lord Skeleton King, who’s floating above them along with the Worm. Using the Flame of Xanatos, they bring the wicker skeleton to life.

The team can’t activate their weapons, but Nova frees her tail and uses the fan inside of it to cut them free. Their energy attacks are useless, so Antauri distracts the creature while Chiro gets Gibson to use the spell book. When it doesn’t work, Chiro urges him to believe, even if it isn’t logical.

Chiro holds the burning monster off with his Inner Primate while Gibson finally uses the book properly. The monster explodes and Chiro congratulates the blue monkey, who sheepishly grins.

(Okay, that look on his face is kind of adorable…)

The explosion’s flames attack the Worm (I forgot about that!) and send it away. The evil energy in all of the townsfolk dissipates, freeing them, but leaving them with no memory of what transpired. Later, the team uses the book and the Super Robot to leave the planet. The team back on the hunt for the Skeleton King Worm. Sparks notices that they have one of the carved pumpkins with them. Chiro states that they’ll bring it back to Shuggazoom and start their own little spooky holiday. Otto, who has the Grimoire of Necrotus, agrees.

The episode ends with Otto accidentally turning Sparks into a giant rat, who attempts to eat Nova, much to the team’s amusement.

(Well, Nova’s not very amused… but that was it for the episode! I personally don’t think the townsfolk were all that interesting, so let’s skip over them and ask ourselves some…)


  1. If the Skeleton King Worm has the power to transport them anywhere in the cosmos, what other powers does it have?
  2. Why is Gibson so degrading towards magic?
  3. Why does the Skeleton King Worm even arrive at the town?
  4. Why doesn’t the team use the Grimoire of Necrotus more in the episode? And will they use it again?
  5. How long were the townsfolk possessed? And where are their actual children? Do they have children?


This episode is harmless fun. The animation and story hold up and make this a good one-shot episode, but not much else. It doesn’t add to the main plot of the show, but it does have its merits.

(The episode is more about the team members themselves and giving a few of them some character development. First off is Otto and Nova, because they are my favorites. It’s not much, but Nova is pretty okay with all of the weird and creepy things- but I think it’s mostly due Sparks’ apprehension to it all. And Otto gets to show off his childish wonder as he’s the only one who openly enjoys the new setting they’ve arrived at. He’s honestly excited up until the trees try to kill him.)

On the other side of the scale, there’s the rest of the team. Chiro and Antauri don’t seem too bothered by it all- just sort of quietly accepting of it. Sparks has an obvious dislike of the supernatural creepy atmosphere for obvious reasons.

But Gibson is the one with the most development of the group. He first waves away the ideas of magic and spirits- which makes sense, since he’s a hardcore science nerd. Over the course of the episode, he encounters magic, but still refuses to believe until he’s somewhat forced to do so. At the end of the episode, he keeps the book, and I think that signifies his newfound belief in magic…

(…but it shouldn’t have been a newfound belief! The biggest problem is that Gibson should already know about magic! His creator made him and his teammates using science and magic, and his main enemy utilized the same things. Magic shouldn’t be beyond his suspension of disbelief- he’s a blue cyborg monkey created by an alchemist to fight the evils of the universe and protect it from a giant evil worm with a smaller robotic skull attached to an umbilical cord on its head. If he’s encountered so much magic beforehand, why is he so disbelieving?)

Besides the characters, this episode is full of fun little horror references:

  • The spell the monkey team uses to leave the planet comes from the third “Evil Dead: Army of Darkness” movie
  • The Grimoire of Necrotus literally means ‘giant book of the dead’
  • Xanatos is the name of the main villain of the show “Gargoyles”
  • The town has little touches such as the lighting, jack-o-lanterns, black cats, etc.
  • The town itself sounds similar to the game series “Castlevania”

And with that, we must end our episode. The next time we meet however, we’ll be leaving the realm of the supernatural and heading into more technological realms of adventure. Until then, I’m Kendall and she is Alexia. Have a wonderful day.

(And please, do two things for me. One, enjoy your Halloween-in-August episode. And two, wish for an episode based around everyone’s other favorite- Arbor Day.)

Episode Seven: Pit of Doom

…Okay, this is getting ridiculous! We could’ve had this out days ago! What is wrong with us?

(Do you want the list in alphabetical or numerical order? Because I have both at my disposal.)

Shut it! Please forgive us for being gone for four days. We’re back now, so please enjoy the Pit of Doom.


It’s a normal day in Shuggazoom City. The sun is shining, the Formless are attacking-

 (So soon!? They must’ve gotten up before their alarm clocks went off.)

-and Chiro is trying to be the hero.

(Keyword: trying.)

Chiro appears, ready to take names and kick butt! But he gets action-blocked by one of his other teammates. After the first three times, they leave him to fight the rest of the Formless on a roof. He fails to catch the elevator, so he ends up climbing the many, many stairs.

(And it’s actually a good thing he missed the elevator, otherwise he’d have ended up trapped like-)

Hey, no spoilers!


 Anyway, the fight is over once he gets to the roof, meaning his entire morning was wasted! The Monkeys head back to the robot, leaving Chiro to go right back down the stairs. There, he encounters BT- the redheaded bully from the first episode- who can’t find Glenny.

The two go searching in the strangely abandoned city until BT ends up in the elevator with the creepy old man from earlier.

It disappears, only to be return in another spot with Formless!

(Yes, quite the mystery: How did they do it? Chiro decides to find out the old fashioned way- jump into the elevator himself! He then questions the lack of buttons. I personally want to know why he didn’t question where the old man from before went? Here’s a hint: He’s standing on the ceiling! Seriously, how does he miss the creepy man staring at him?)

 Our boy hero arrives at the edge of a mysterious pit before finally getting to fight some Formless, but eventually gets knocked into the pit himself, where he finds the citizens and learns what’s happening before getting captured.

After calling the Monkey Team for help with the Power Primate, they go searching for him. They follow a blip on the scanner and come across the button-less elevator and see two women disappear in front of them.

They disguise themselves as a family of three and end up at the pit themselves, where the Formless are waiting. A bit of fighting occurs, but they eventually give up after seeing Chiro in a cell.

(Skeleton King does some awesome gloating for a bit before leaving them. After the team realizes that they are still on Shuggazoom, they decide to use their one phone call upon the ultimate back up- the Super Robot! The Robot storms onto the scene, snatches up all the prisoners, and leaves.  SK instructs his minions to in the city to destroy the Super Robot when it returns, but it’s like watching a large toddler fight an angry professional wrestler on steroids!)

The citizens and heroes escape, the monkeys easily free themselves of their shackles-

(Wait, they could’ve escaped at any time?! And did the Super Robot really take out all the Formless at once?)

The Elevator Monster appears and we finally learn where the buttons went before the final fight commences!

The thing can teleport and summon all sorts of weapons with a push of a button, so the team has some pretty mild difficulty before Chiro comes up with a plan- climb on and start pushing random buttons!

(Genius! No, seriously, if I had to fight a monster covered in shiny buttons, I’d do the same. But instead of pressing one at a time, I’d slam both hands against as many as possible and hope to whatever higher power there is that I didn’t just hit the self-destruct button!)

Gibson says that ‘the inter-dimensional matrix at the heart of the teleporter could be disrupted by a strong magnetic field. So they snatch Chiro out of the way and blast it, causing it to implode on itself.

(And then Otto goes ‘Ding!’ and we all remember why we love him.)

The Team gets a celebration, Chiro gets a rocket pack, and we end with the Skeleton King laughing over the giant pit.


ELEVATOR MONSTER: (This is a genius way of taking over a city, if you ask me. It’s covert while being out in the open and smart. The man on the inside is a great way of giving it a face, so to speak, and the gimmick works really well. I would use this idea if I ever wanted to take over the planet.)


1)      If the Pit of Doom was only part of Skeleton King’s plan, what’s in store for our heroes when the rest of it is revealed?


(We’ll keep this nice and short: This episode was good and it dropped a few hints on what’s to come. The plan and villain were both good ones and it makes me wonder: what’s going to happen next time? Also, I find it really cute that their moon is called Ranger 7 and has the number 7 on it, but the imprint of a right foot on it.)

Well, that’s it for this episode. We’ll be back in less than a week (Hopefully.) with the next episode. But until then, I’m Kendall signing out.

(And I’m Alexia with a final word of advice: Use the escalator.)